lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2020


A Nazi Story Book

When the children have been good,
That is, be it understood,
Good at killing, good at lying,
Good at on each other spying.
When their fourteen Pas, and mas,
Grandmammas, and Grandpapas,
Great Grandparents too, are sure
That their Aryan stock is pure.
They shall have the pretty things,
Krupp Von Bohlen kindly brings,
And the blessings, only listen!
Brought by Stinnes, Frick, and Thysssen,
Who will welcome all your savings
While you feed on grass and shavings
only such as these shall look
At this pretty picture book...


1. Struwwelhitler

Just look at him! there he stands
With his nasty hair and hands
See! the horrid blood drops drip
From each dirty finger tip;
And the sloven, I declare,
never once has combed his hair,
îecrust never could be brittler
Than the word of Adolf Hitler

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